ИФЕ – Историко-философский ежегодник. М.

ППВ – Памятники письменности Востока. М.

EIPh – Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. General Editor К.H.Potter. Delhi a. o., Princeton. Vol. 2. Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology. The Tradition of Nyāyavaisheshika up to Gangesa, 1977. Vol. 3. Advaita Vedānta up to Shankara and His Pupils, 1981. Vol. 4. Sānkhya: A Dualist Tradition in Indian Philosophy, 1987. Vol. 7. Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D., 1996.

JA – Journal Asiatique. P.

JAOS – Journal of the American Oriental Society. New Haven.

JRAS – Jourunal of the Royal Asiatic Society. L.

NKGWG – Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der George-Augusts-Universitāts zu Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse.

PEW – Philosophy East and West. Honolulu.

PAIOC – Proceedings of the All-India Oriental Conference. Poona.

SE – A Sanskrit-English Dictionary Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special References to Cognate Indo-European Languages by Sir M.Monier-Williams. Oxf., 1970.

SW – Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kūrzerer Fassung bearb. von O.Bohtlingk. Th. 1-7. St.-Petersburg, 1879-1889.

WZKSOA – Wiener Zeitschrift fūr des Kunde Sud- und Ostasiens.

ZDMG – Zeitschrift fūr Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Lpz.; Wiesbaden.