Почти все работы, приводимые ниже, включены в полное собрание сочинений Шри Ауробиндо в 30-ти томах (Пондишери, 1972 г.)
The Foundations of Indian Culture // Arya.
Dec.1918-jan.1921; Ed. 1
1953, 7 1980.
On the
Veda // Arya. Aug.1914-jan.1920; Ed. 1 1956.
to the Mystic Fire. Ed. 1 1946; 2 1973.
Upanishad (Text, translation into English and commentry) //
Arya. Aug.1914 may 1915; Ed. 1 1921, Ed. 7 1973.
Eight Upanishads (Translation into English and
introduction). Ed. 1 1953.
Essays on the Gita //
Arya. Aug.1916-july 1920; Ed. 1 1922, Ed. 13 1980.
The Renaissance in India // Arya. Aug.1918-nov.1918;
Ed. 1 1920; 6 1973.
The Significance on Indian
Art // Arya. Jan.1918-dec.1921; Ed. 1 1947
The Life Divine // Arya. Aug.1914-jan.1919; Ed. 1
1939, 11 1980.
Ideal and Progress // Arya.
1915-1916; Ed. 1 1920, 6 1977.
The Superman //
Arya. Mart 1915-aug.1915. Ed. 1 1920, 7 1973.
Thoughts and Glimpses // Arya. 1915-1917. Ed. 1 1920, 9
Thoughts and Aphorisms. Ed. 1 1958, 5
The Hour of God. Ed. 1 1959, 5 1982.
Evolution // Arya. Jan.1915-dec.1918; Ed. 1 1920, 7
Heraclitus // Arya. Dec.1916-june 1917; Ed. 1
1941, 3 1968.
The Supramental Manifestation upon
Earth // Bulletin. 1949-1950. Ed. 1 1952, 3 1980.
The Problem of Rebirth // Arya. Nov.1915-jan.1921. Ed.
1 1952, 4 1978.
The Human Cycle // Arya.
Aug.1916-july 1918; Ed. 1 1949, 2 1977.
Ideal of Human Unily // Arya. Sept.1915-july 1918 (Revised
and added by the author in 1950).
The Human Cycle and
War and Self Determination. Ed. 5 1977.
On the War.
1940-1943. Ed. 1 1944.
War and Self Determination.
1916-1920. Ed. 1 1920.
Man Slave or Free? //
Karmayogin. 1909-1910. Ed. 1 1922, 3 1972.
Elements of Yoga. 1933-1936. Ed. 1 1953.
on Yoga. Ed. 1 1935, 11 1981.
More Lights on
Yoga. Ed. 1 1948, 4 1973.
Sri Aurobindo on
Himself and on the Mother. Ed. 1 1953.
The Mother.
Ed. 1 1928, 17 1979.
The Yoga and its Objects.
Ed. 1 1921, 12 1977.
The Synthesis of Yoga //
Arya. Aug.1914-jan.1921. Ed. 1 1948, 9 1980.
Letters on Yoga I. Ed. 4 1979.
Letters on Yoga II.
Ed. 4 1979.
Letters on Yoga III. Ed. 4 1979.
The Riddle of this World. Ed. 1 1933, 6 1973.
Bases of Yoga. Ed. 1 1936, 14 1981.
Correspondence with Nirodbaran, vol. 1, Ed. 1 1954;
vol.II. Ed. 1 1959.
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
(Translated from Bengali). Ed. 1 1961, 2 1970.
Views and Reviews // Arya. 1914-1920; Ed. 1 1941, 4
Letters. Third series. Ed. 1 1949.
Life-Literature-Yoga. Ed. 1 1952.
Conversations of
the Dead. 1909-1910. Ed. 1 1951, 2 1971.
Phantom Hour and Other Stories. 1910-1912. Ed. 1 1951, 2
Kalidasa. In 2 vol. 1893-1905. Ed. 1 1929,
2 1964 (Baroda).
Viasa and Valmiki. 1893-1905. Ed.
1 1956, 2 1964 (Baroda).
The Future Poetry //
Arya. Dec.1917-july 1920; Ed. 1 1953.
Poems and Plays. In 2 vol. Ed. 1 1942.
Poems Past
and Present. Ed. 1 1946.
Poems from Bemgali,
1893-1905. Translation. Ed. 1 1956.
Savitri. Ed. 1
Last Poems. 1937-1944. Ed. 1 1952.
More Poems. Ed. 1 1957, 2 1966.
1903-1904. Ed. 1 1922 (Baroda).
Songs of Vidyapati.
1893-1905. Ed. 1 1956, 2 1974 (Baroda).
Radogune. 1893-1905. Ed. 1 1958, 2 1973 (Baroda).
Ilion. Ed. 1 1957.
Vasavadutta. 1915-1916. Ed.
1 1957, 2 1965.
Urvasie. 1893 1896. Ed. 1
Ahana and Other Poems. 1895-1915. Ed. 1 1915.
Love and Death. 1899. Ed. 1 1921, 4 1964.
The Visiers of Bassora. 1893-1905. Ed. 1 1959 (Baroda).
Eric. 1912 or 1913. Ed. 1 1960, 2 1973.
Chariot of Jagannath. 1918. (Translated from Bengali). Ed.
1 1972.
The Ideal of Karmayogin // Karmayogin. 1909-1910; Ed. 1
1918, 10 1974.
A System of National Education //
Karmayogin. 1910; Ed. 1 1921, 6 1970.
National Value of Art // Karmayogin. 1909; Ed. 1 1922, 5
The Speeches. 1908-1909. Ed. 1 1922, 5
The Doctrine of Passive Resistance. 1907. Ed. 1
1948, 3 1966.
1907-1916-1918. Ed. 1 1940, 4 1970.
The Brain of
India // Karmayogin. 1909; Ed. 1 1921, 7 1978.
Tales of Prison Life. (Translated from Bengali). Ed. 1
1974, 2 1979.